Debian lancia un biohackathon virtuale per combattere il COVID-19
Dopo l’annuncio di SUSE anche gli sviluppatori di Debian hanno deciso di fare la loro parte per fronteggiare, grazie agli strumenti informatici, la pandemia da coronavisus.
Sulla mailing list debian-devel-announce è infatti stato pubblicato una chiamata alle armi rivolta a tutta la comunità Debian.
Dal 5 all’11 Aprile 2020 ci sarà un biohackathon virtuale (online) dedicato al COVID-19. Lo scopo? Migliorare il FOSS biomedico e gli strumenti e le librerie che supportano tali progetti.
La maggior parte dei compiti non richiede alcuna conoscenza della biologia o della medicina, si tratta solamente di lavorare sul bug triage, effettuare test, sistemare la documentazione, realizzare le traduzioni etc.
Di seguito trovate l’annuncio ufficiale:
Dear Debian Community, There will be an virtual (online) COVID-19 Biohackathon from April 5-11, 2020 and the Debian Med team invite you help us improve biomedical FOSS and the tools/libraries that support those projects. Most tasks do not require any knowledge of biology or medicine, and all types of contributions are welcome: bug triage, testing, documentation, CI, translations, packaging, and code contributions. 1. Debian related bugs are viewable at [covid19-bugs] 2. Software awaiting packaging is listed at [covid-19-packages], please respond to the RFP with your intent so we don't duplicate work 3. You can also contribute directly to the upstream packages, linked from the Debian Med COVID-19 task page at [covid-19-packages]. Note: many biomedical software packages are quite resource limited, even compared to a typical FOSS project. Please be kind to the upstream author/maintainers and realize that they may have limited resources to review your contribution. Triaging open issues and opening pull requests to fix problems is likely to be more useful than nitpicking their coding style. 4. Architectures/porting: Please focus on amd64, as it is the primary architecture for biomedical software. A secondary tier would be arm64 / ppc64el / s390x (but beware the endian-related issues on s390x). From a free/open hardware perspective it would be great to see more riscv64 support, but that is not a priority right now 5. The Debian Med team is also trying to improve the availability of automated biomedical pipelines/workflows [robust-workflows] using the Common Workflow Language open standard. The reference implementation of CWL is written in Python and there are many open issues ready for work that don't require any biomedical background [cwltool-issues] 6. It is very easy to contribute to Debian Med team. We have a lowNMU policy for all our packages. Merge requests on Salsa are usually processed quickly (but please ping some of the latest Uploaders of the package to make sure it will be noticed). Even better if you ask for membership to the team and push directly to the salsa repository. 7. The [debian-med-team-policy] should answer all questions how to contribute. The main COVID-19 biohackathon is being organized at [covid-19-bh20] and for Debian's participation we are using [salsa-covid-19-bh20] [covid-19-bugs] [covid-19-packages] [covid-19-bh20] [salsa-covid-19-bh20] [robust-workflows] [cwltool-issues] [COVID-19-advice] [debian-med-team-policy] Sincerely, Michael R. Crusoe on behalf of the Debian-Med team (and Andreas Tille on behalf of Michael R. Crusoe ;-) ) -- Michael R. Crusoe
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