Dassault Systèmes rilascia DraftSight 2019 SP1
Dassault Systèmes ha annunciato il rilascio di DraftSight 2019 SP1, la prima minor release dell’edizione 2019 del suo CAD multi piattaforma per Windows, macOS e Linux.
Ricordo a tutti che, a partire da quest’anno, DraftSight resta gratuito soltanto per Linux e macOS. La versione per Windows viene rilasciata solamente nell’edizione a pagamento.
Potete scaricare DraftSight 2019 SP1 all’indirizzo https://www.3ds.com/it/prodotti-e-servizi/draftsight-cad-software/scarica-draftsightr/
Di seguito trovate il changelog completo:
- Fixes an error of failed to load modules where DraftSight® is not starting after launching in Windows O/S.
- Improves stability to avoid random crash of DraftSight with Linux Ubuntu machine.
- Enhances Home palette to be displayed properly in 3D modelling workspace.
- Fixes an issue in Linux O/S of DraftSight where arc gets placed in opposite direction.
- Makes available all DraftSight Premium 3D tools and 2D constraints features for 30-day free trial.
- Fixes the problem where DWF files cannot be opened using DraftSight 2019 with GEOVIA Surpac.
- Enhances dimension palette behavior to help users to get the pop up out of the way.
- Removes a misleading message about DSHomeByMe.dll and ImageTracer.dll detected but not loaded at command prompt while starting the DraftSight Standard application.
- Improves stability on some computers with specific Intel graphics cards/driver combination to avoid crashing or hanging.
- Fixes an issue where the Image Tracer functionality is not available in Professional, Premium, Enterprise or Enterprise Plus versions after the installation.
- Improves the accuracy of magnetic point acquired and snap when drawing over referenced image.
- Correct the behavior of shortcut buttons in 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Enterprise call corresponding command twice.
- Improves stability of DraftSight to avoid crashing after using command Ctrl+A (Select all) for attached file.
- Enhances Web Help for Toolbox menus.
- Enhances Image Tracer preview to show in the layer color.
- Rectifies to the correct Y-axis and Z-axis behavior of 3Dconnexion mouse.
- Fixes the issue of exporting PDF option leads to an error for DraftSight in Linux Fedora 29 machine.
- Improves Image Tracer icon to appear sharp and not blurry in classic workspace compare to Drafting and Annotation workspace.
- Fixes the tooltip issue of HomeByMe appears to be cropped in foreign language.
- Enhances HomeByMe HBM: All options in HBM pane need to have tooltips.
- Fixes an issue where 3DConnexion mouse does not work or function properly.
- Updates help file with hatch trim functionality.
- Improves stability of DraftSight with SOLIDWORKS PDM to avoid crashes while check-in drawing with reference in.
- Improves performance on drawings created in other DWG file application due to internal referenced entities that cannot be removed.
Fonte: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MarcosBox/~3/17dp3BAjW9Y/dassault-systemes-rilascia-draftsight.html
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