WPS Office 2016 per Linux si aggiorna alla versione
- Support users’ online feedback
- Support Chinese and English language switching
- WPS Writer and WPS Presentation, supporting editing of 15 SmartArt types
- Support custom quick access toolbar
- Support Manual directory function, which can be inserted without setting outline level
- Support “text sort” and “table sort”
- Support printing background color, pictures and setting Web format background
- Support automatic text collection
- Support artistic page borders
- Support to accept/reject format revisions
- Support to keep source format paste within process
- The new pivot table kernel supports grouping, calculation items, calculation fields, table style, slicer and other functions
- Support pivot chart
- Support automatic filtering – color sorting
- Monochrome printing is supported in page Settings
- Support sharing workbook
- Print the entire workbook under the print preview TAB
- The digital format supports the locale
- Support custom views
- Support to read and play the animation of smartart child nodes
- Support “font preview” function
- Combine audio and background music entry, add audio tools TAB, and adjust media object toolbar synchronously
- Support batch delete remarks function
- In the comments pane of the speaker view, add the zoom button and adjust the text size
- Support to insert media embedded into documents through the interface entrance
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