FreeNIX RPI LE (Raspberry Pi Light Edition) 0.1

By davenull

Raspberry Pi 3

Welcome to FreeNIX RPI LE (Raspberry Pi Light Edition) 0.1
Release Date: 22nd December 2017
If you find bugs contact us on the forum
or by email to freenixsecurity[at]riseup[dot]net

davenull – dave-null[at]riseup[dot]net –

This is a Debian-Based (Debian Stretch) distro for Raspberry Pi.
It’s developed for Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and works on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B too.
It starts without X Window System, just SSH.
It starts in DHCP mode, you can find it with nmap or other software like this.
It has Raspbian, Backports and Deb-Multimedia Repositories.

Username: root
Password: freenixsecurity


vim – Vi-IMproved is a re-implementation of the old “vi”.
nano – It’s the clone of a proprietary tool called pico.
More user-friendly than nvi and vim.

ceni – It’s a text based network manager written in Perl. Very user-friendly.

rpi-update – It’s the standard Raspberry Pi firmware update utility.
raspi-config – It’s the standard Raspberry Pi configuration tool.
memcleaner – It’s a tool written in bash by davenull. It cleans the ram when it is clogged.

## Download Link:


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