Herotab C8 e Dropad A8: download firmware (ufficiali e non)
Così come per Haipad M7, vi presento un’altro mio antico articolo. Godetevelo!
Questi due tablet, di marca praticamente sconosciuta, soffrono di un grave problema: software mal ottimizzato. E quale migliore cura, per tablet di questo tipo, se non un cambio di ROM repentino? Ho raccolto tutte le ROM possibili e immaginabili per questi due modelli, e ve ne propongo il Download.
Mi spiace riportare il tutto in inglese, ma se avete problemi a comprendere ciò che vi sta scritto, chiedete pure. Sono sempre qui
NOTA: La password al Download è: lyt.no-ip.org
NOTA 2: OFW = Firmware officiale (originale) | CFW = Custom firmware (versione modificata)
CFW jolocotroco_cm9 V2.3 (17/05/2012) Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 by jolocotroco
Based on Jolocotroco CM9 v2 with following fix:
- Fix camera, microphone, battery indicator. thanks namko
- Launcher fix for 120dpi
- Update apps (youtube, playstore…)
CFW jolocotroco_cm9 V2 (17/05/2012) Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 by jolocotroco
Based on ICS Thunderstorm and previous version with following fix:
- Fix wifi, dhcp, no need to add static ip, very stable connection.
- Added support 3G
- Bluetooth working (for external bt, plug in usb and restart the tablet … working!)
- Fix USB OTG (still need to fix small things, the rest is fully functional, stable and fast)
CFW Thunderstorm – ICS Alpha1 (02/05/2012) Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 by FlashTeam
Based on Namko new kernel/Base and Beta 10
CFW Rajesh’s ROM v1.1 Beta
Based on Symbean’s 2.3.7:
- Market 3.4.4 fixed ( WITHOUT changing API level from 10 to 9 )
- Updated su binary + updated Superuser.apk
- Build.prop tweaked for battery ( Thanks to prox32 and xda forums )
- Deodexed System Apps and Framework
- Market fingerprint changed ( Thanks to prox32 )
- Changed mount points for extsd and udisk
- Added adblocking
- Updated Busybox
- Removed the soft buttons (I prefer the Stock AOSP look)
- Few more system tweaks
- Themed Battery Icon ( Comments and reviews on this are welcome )
CFW jolocotroco cm9 (30/04/2012) Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0
Part1: http://www.mediafire.com/?y9bjq54ttjgd22h
Part2: http://www.mediafire.com/?6ssmi222384twzbBased on ICS Thunderstorm with cyanogenmod 9
CFW smdkv210 CM9 (29/04/2012) Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 by smdkv210
Based on ICS Thunderstorm with CyanogenMod9
- HW acceleration
- LCD brightness control
- Sound
- Internal Bluetooth
- USB-masstorage
- USB-debug
- USB-PC storage
- G-sensor
- Battery-sensor
CFW Rubberband V2.1.2 (04/04/2012) Gingerbread 2.3 by Tuen
Based on CFW Rubberband V2.1.1 with following fix::
- Optimized utscript ==> more internal storage (+/- 1GB)
- Swap SDCard with External SD Card
- More System Rom storage (put all the moveable apps to SDCard
CFW Rubberband V2.1.1 (12/03/2012) Gingerbread 2.3 by Tuen
Based on CFW Rubberband V2.0.0 with following fix::
- Install Go Launcher
- Optimized battery level
- updated (some) apps
- add Google docs App
- support up to 32GB utscript
- optimized Wifi
- newest market (named play store 3.4.7)
- remove bootanimation (it was ugly boot animation xD)
- remove lockscreen (run now on the default version ==> own wallpaper possible)
- remove some apps (task manager, unusable apps)
- most of the apps can be removed in application –> manage application
CFW Ginger Ice v1.2 (08/03/2012) by jolocotroco
Based on CFW Ginger ice v1.1 with some improvement:
- fix vpn
- fix minor problems (video streaming, eth-usb, 3G,…)
CFW Rubberband V2.0.0 (2/03/2012) Gingerbread 2.3 by Tuen
Based on CFW Rubberband V1.0.0 with following fix:
- Solved Wifi connection problem
- update rooting
- update Google Apps (Calendar works)
- fix market crash
- hardware speed improvement
CFW Alldro2 v1.4 (1/03/2012)(should work on Herotab C8) Gingerbread 2.3 by steev
based on CFW Alldro2 v1.2 with following fix:
- NTFS automount patch by namko
- Latest Honeycomb UI from Symbean
- USB GPS support (someone requested this)
- Installer supports Market localization (Thanks Loonix)
- Updated Romconfig tool
- HDMI might be improved, I will soon be getting a cable to test
- 1.0GHz and 1.2GHz u-boots in /extra
CFW 20120229.00 (29/02/2012) Gingerbread 2.3.7 from symbean
- the launcher can not repair that comes with the gravity sensing rotation;
- built-in repair sd card, external sd card, plug the u disk can not be mounted;
- initially add a virtual button on the status bar, the back and then continue to improve;
- add the app, such as dsp sound management, dynamic wallpaper;
- delete some useless settings.
- As for the wifi off screen disconnected no idea where to begin, know you can say. But can write a service program to lock wifi, so as to achieve the effect of off-screen to do with wifi, but it may increase power consumption.
CFW 20120223 (25/02/2012) Gingerbread 2.3.7 from symbean
- Hardware inprovement
- Wifi optimize
- USB Bluetooth
- Sound optimize
- Video optimize
CFW Rubberband V1.0.0 (26/02/2012) Gingerbread 2.3 by Tuen
Initial version: based on CFW 1012 ModTuen_V3
CFW Ginger Ice v1.1 (17/02/2012) by jolocotroco
Gingerbread firmware with following improvement:
- New Ice Cream Sandwich visual appearance
- improved DVB support
- gamepad
- ntfs, nfs, cifs.
CFW Genesis 3.2 (20/01/2012) by prox32
Based on Genesis 3.0 update 2.1.1 with following change:
- Updated graphics libraries
- Updated UI
- Added atom tweak system
- Updated build.prop
- Updated system start-up scripts
- Updated system libraries
OFW iBall_Slide v1109 (18/01/2012) ( works on iBall Slide but should work on Herotab C8) Gingerbread 2.3 by namko
This is a dumping firmware that came from a iBall Slide tablet. It should works on Herotab C8 but you need to apply a Camera fix patch. (more information at forum)
CFW Alldro2 v1.3 (15/01/2012)(Works on MID7024 and should work on Herotab C8) Gingerbread 2.3 by steev
Based on Alldro2 V1.2 with following fix:
- Added Xbox gamepad driver (needs testers)
- More accurate SD partitioning code (before partitions were created about 1 MiB larger than they’re supposed to be)
- Added USE_EXTSD option in ROM.inf
- Compiled latest stable busybox (1.19.3)
CFW Alldro2 v1.2 (09/01/2012)(Works on MID7024 and should work on Herotab C8) Gingerbread 2.3 by steev
Honeycomb UI by Symbean (Optional, delete honeycomb_ui_patch.tgz to disable)
- Integrated v6 SuperCharger and Kickass kernel tweaks
- USB Gamepad support + driver for PS3 controller
- Rooted
- NTFS support
- Custom installer which allows setting custom partition sizes or updating without losing apps (See ROM.inf)
- CRT lock screen animation
- Galaxy tab fingerprint
- Recent git snapshot of busybox
CFW Tsunami v1.9 (27/12/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by tlbardelljr
Based on CFW Tsunami v1.8 with following change:
- New Market Fixed
CFW Genesis 3.0 update 2.1.1 (22/12/2011) by prox32
Based on Genesis 3.0 update 2.1 with following change:
- Added Soft buttons
- Changed version number
- Small script fixes
CFW Genesis 3.0 update 2.1 (20/12/2011) by prox32
Based on Genesis 3.0 update 2 with following change:
- New wifi driver
- Added extsd patch
- Minor changes to startup scripting
- Updated kernel
Added Soft buttons
CFW Tsunami v1.8 (15/12/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by tlbardelljr
Based on CFW Tsunami v1.7 with following change:
- 3g Fix (for real!) thanks jiggykillauk for testing!
- Status Bar and buttons just a hair bigger
- Fixed some apps that were showing as not compatible for downloading
- Added 1.0 ghz support
CFW Genesis 3.0 update 2 (12/12/2011) by prox32
Based on Genesis 3.0 update 1 with following change:
- Updated graphics libraries (integrated more compatibility without compromising battery life)
- Added sysctl control script & install service
- updated busybox install service to save battery
- updated init.rc
- updated init.smdkv210.rc
- Updated build.prop and tidied it up
- Increased touch responsiveness
- Increased scrolling responsiveness / accuracy.
CFW 1208 Gingercomb (08/12/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by Symbean
Based on CFW 1117 (?): with following fix:
- UI Update
- More 3G USB card support
- Wifi fix
CFW Tsunami v1.7 (04/12/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by tlbardelljr
Based on CFW Tsunami v1.4 with following change:
- Changed download icon
- Implemented use of rom.inf for configuration of modules to be installed
- Can choose use of new or old partition scheme
- Swipe down anywhere on wallpaper to open notifications
CFW Genesis 3.0 update 1 (2/12/2011) by prox32
- Added slow-work.ko (thanks Lubo)
- Added NTFS Patch (thanks steev)
- Added phone patch (makes phone services optional saves battery without them)
- Added eth_usb drivers
- Added support for more 3G dongles
- Enabled rotation switch in power control widget
- Enabled VPN settings
- Updated Market, Gmail & ES File explorer
- Updated system libraries (graphics fix)
- Updated mac generation script (thanks Jean)
CFW Tsunami v1.4 (27/11/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by tlbardelljr
Based on CFW Tsunami v1.3 with following change:
- Increased Cache
- Fixed Install Script error for larger internal SDcards
CFW Tsunami v1.3 (26/11/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by tlbardelljr
Based on CFW Tsunami v1.2 with following change:
- Changed Font
- Changed SDcard mounts
- Changed Bootanimation
- Added ntfs Patch (thanks to steev!)
CFW Genesis 3.0 (25/11/2011) by prox32
Based on Genesis 2.8.1 with following features
- Totally new firmware
- Different approach to tweaks
- Battery life improved greatly
- Fast yet stable
- Updated system layout/busybox
- Added ad-hoc support
- Custom launcher choice on install
- 1ghz & 1.2ghz In one file (thanks team flash back)
CFW Tsunami v1.2 (24/11/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by tlbardelljr
Based on CFW Tsunami v1 with following change:
- Multiple Internal SDcard size support
- New Install Script (Thanks Steev)
- Corrected Voice Input/Output bug
- TiB Pre Installed
- 3G fixed
- Bluetooth Fixed
CFW JoL_HC_v0.9 (23/11/11)
- Launcher 3.0 mod density adjusted to 160
- Lockscreen HC
- Change color,position clock, icons, notifications.
- Change popup low battery 5%
- Sync Gmail and Calendar
- Status bar bottom
- Soft buttons Back, Home, Menu
- Volume control panel in status bar
- Support DVB-T USB (modules needed for your device, info here
- Cifs modules loaded
- 1 & 1.2Ghz optional (change u-boot.bin, for 1.2ghz)
- Rooted
- Tweaks kernel, memory, battery, speed 3g, wifi.
- Themed 100%, widget,system,apps,icons…
- Script SD 4-8-16gb.
CFW Tsunami 1.1 (20/11/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by tlbardelljr
– AdHoc Support
– Single button volume control
– Rooted
– Soft Buttons
– App2SD pre installed
CFW Gingercomb 0.241 (17/11/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by prox32
(1,2 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?f2rrjdci8zyre3z
(1 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?vvhslsmf62inb5z
Based on CFW Gingercomb 0.23 with following fix:
- Minor script changes
- Default fingerprint restored (see note)
- Contacts app service fixed
note: Default fingerprint is returned because, running games which are ‘incompatible’ creates problems which are not to do with the firmware as a whole, there is a tutorial on how to do it yourself but I wont be putting it in as stock, and will not support it.
CFW Gingercomb 0.23 (17/11/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by prox32
(1,2 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?89fjpgupa3w8u7b
(1 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?04276j11mb5o12f
Based on CFW Gingercomb 0.1 with following fix:
- Added apps:
- gmail
- news and weather widget
- contacts
- brightness
- titanium backup
- Changed fingerprint
- UI renderning on GPU
- Edited tweak scripts
- Edited mac gen script
- Fixed System scripting
CFW 1012 ModTuen_V3 (20/11/2011)
Based on CFW 1012 ModTuen_V2 With following Fix:
- mbr_script file correction
- Google Apps Sync after sleep
- Market 3.3.11
CFW Gingercomb 0.1 (17/11/2011) Gingerbread 2.3 by prox32
(1,2 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?lg4i55jyj147c56
(1 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?ygt2bajbuqaqu88
Based on CFW 1111 by symbean
- Now uses Fonix’s install script
- Fixed urbetter scripting
- Updated busybox
- Updated system layout
- System database defrag on startup
- Market 3.3 (working purchase)
- Tweaked memory management
- Changed boot logo
- Applied tweak system (brand new)
- Increased battery saving
- Tuned the WiFi
CFW 1112 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8) by yuanzl
Based on OFW 0805 with following fix
- Rooted
- optimized
- default chinese language
- Default 4GB Card version, but also 8GB and 16GB available
CFW 1111 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8) by symbean
Based on OFW 1010 with following fix
- Honeycomb Lockscreen
- Taskbar at bottom of the screen
- Virtual Task buttons
- Google Apps removed
- Fix bluetooth (if available)
CFW Genesis 2.8.1 (13/11/2011) by prox32
CFW 1012 ModTuen (12/11/2011)
Based on CFW 1012 following changes:
- Screen density on 160
- Removed root explorer
Following Fix:
- Fully access market (skype, Google+ works)
- Fix internal Nand memory:
CFW 0927 (12/11/2011)
CFW Genesis 2.8 (12/11/2011) by prox32
(1,2 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?3t66tmiyheubf2m
(1 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?61ws7hk82cc51iu
- Drivers updated
- System libraries updated
- System scripts updated
- Busybox install updated
- Kernel updated
- Tweaks updated
- Market 3.3 (with purchases working)
- New install script from fonix
- Wifi changes (hopefully more stability)
- Increased battery life
CFW JoL HC v0.8 (3/11/2011)
- Support DVB-T USB (beta, Limited list)
- CPU run 1.2Ghz
- Support usb, 3G (if available), Bluetooth (if available), GPS (if available), Ethernet (if available), Gamepad (if available)
- G-Sensor
- Rooted
- VTL Launcher
- Kernel Edited
- Script for 4, 8 and 16GB SD-card
- Menubar at bottom
- Software button at bottom: back, home and menu
- button for volume
CFW Evolution 4.0 (4/11/2011) by prox32
(1,2 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?u85q1tycwl1d1on
(1 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?u2674ye2nwfimq9
Based on CFW 1010
- urbetter rubbish stripped out
- Updated busybox
- Updated file system
- Soft buttons
- New lock screen
- New volume control
- Prox32′s box of mods
CFW Genesis 2.7.4 (4/11/2011) by prox32
(1,2 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?jrpaz7cbj3arlzb
(1 Ghz) http://www.mediafire.com/?3fruuqcv7tdxq2m
- Script updates
- Busybox update
- Theme update
- Window animation update
- Market update
CFW Genesis 2.7.3 (29/10/2011) by prox32
CFW 1028 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on OFW 0805 with following fix
- Rooted
- Boot animation
- add VPN
- Optimized
- Android 3.0 GUI
CFW Genesis 2.7.1 (1ghz) (26/10/2011) by prox32
Based on OFW 1010
- New lock screen
- New volume control
- New tweak system
- Optimised both for battery and performance
- Updated busy box
- Optimised framework scripting
- Market 3.1.6
- Cleaned up urbetter scripting
- Removed unneeded functions to speed up the system
- Possible audio fix
CFW Genesis 2.3 (1ghz) (15/10/2011) by prox32
- Galaxy tab Finger print
- Advanced RAM and cache management
- System stability increased
- New lock screen and volume control
- OOM groupings changed so home app is locked in memory (wont be killed)
- GPU handles UI rendering
- Battery life extended
CFW Underground 2.1 (1ghz) (14/10/2011) by prox32
- Top status bar
- New volume control (have to hit the time or battery (being worked on))
- New lock screen
- Home and back soft buttons
- WiFi fix
CFW Underground 2.0 (1ghz) (13/10/2011) by prox32
- CRT Animation is back
- Bottom status bar
- Market 3.2
- Ram tweaked
- Home app in memory
- Rooted
CFW JoL HC v0.7 (12/10/2011)
Based on 0830:
- Support DVB-T USB (beta, Limited list)
- CPU run 1.2Ghz
- Support usb, 3G (if available), Bluetooth (if available), GPS (if available), Ethernet (if available), Gamepad (if available)
- G-Sensor
- Rooted
- VTL Launcher
- Kernel Edited
- Script for 4, 8 and 16GB SD-card
CFW 1012 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8) by yuanzl
- Chinese version set on default (can be changed in settings)
- Rooted
- Optimized
- Pre-installed Application (Titanium backup, ES, Opera, PlayerPro,…)
- Android 3.0 UI
- Animated boot
- 1.2Ghz cpu speed
OFW 1010 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 M7+ M7M M7++ compatible for Herotab C8)
Android 3.0 GUI
CFW Underground 1.0 (1ghz) (09/10/2011) by prox32
- Re written scripts
- Changed tweak formation
- Changed RAM groupings
- Increased stability
- Increased efficiency and battery life
- Multi tasking handled a lot better (even when trying to crash the system I couldn’t)
- Standard hardware fingerprint
CFW Evolution 3.1.1 (06/10/2011) by prox32
Evolution 3.1.1:
- Improved battery
- Tweak system updated
- Tweaks updated
- Honeycomb Soft buttons added (fixed recent apps button)
- Smaller system icons
- Updated to Galaxy tab fingerprint
- Changed Ram optimisation
- Reduced crashes
- Fixed battery display problem of 3.1
CFW Paradise 2.1.1 (05/10/2011) by prox32
Paradise 2.1 Features based on Symbeans 0927:
- Full Honeycomb UI
- Fast and furious performance
- Changed the install structure
- Removed a lot of bugs
- Fixed keyboard (auto correct)
- Changed RAM and OOM values
- Increased picture/video quality
- Hardware accelerated video
- UI rendering done by the GPU.
- Changed font
- Changed pre installed apps (removed paid apps)
- CRT animation added
- Status bar tweaked for 160 LCD density (smaller system icons for soft buttons)
- Battery improvements
User experience
CFW Genesis 2.2.1 (05/10/2011) by prox32
Genesis Version 2.2.1 based on PhoenixMOD:
- Performance improvements
- Increased stability
- Updated and refined tweaks system
- changed lock screen font
- Galaxy tab fingerprint
- Hardware accelerated video
- Improved touch screen responsiveness
- Optimised WiFi for best battery / speed combo
User experience
- Greater Internal Memory (Edi)
- Lastest market installed (Edi)
CFW 0922 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on CFW 0918 with following fix
- Customized interface. Completely different visual experience
- Look-Like Android 3.0 virtual keys
- DSP Audio manager for music
- Rooted
- Deleted Google apps
V2: English language and screen density on 170
CFW 0918 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0831 with following fix:
- Rooted
- Fix full screen video play
- No cell phone
- Google Contact and Calendar synchronize
CFW 0913 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0831 with following fix:
- Rooted
- Boot animation
- CPU overclocked to 1.2GHz (need to confirm by users)
CFW 0831 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7++ compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0831 with following fix:
- Rooted
- Boot animation
- Speed improvement
OFW 0831 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 M7+ M7M M7++ compatible for Herotab C8)
CFW 0808 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7++ compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0805 with following fix:
- Rooted
- Boot animation
- Add VPN
- Little bit optimize
- The Root explorer that installed is a chinese version
- Titanium Backup installed and works
- New version of Android Market
- Rooted version included Superuser
- HDMI not work
- Boot animation works
CFW 0806 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0728 with following fix:
- Rooted version
- Add boot animation
- add VPN option
- Replaced fonts
- Replaced desktop image
- Replace Huawai input
- optimized
- Utscripts
Self modified:
- English default language
- LCD_density on 180
CFW 0805 Rootable Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7++ compatible for Herotab C8)
OFW 0805 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7++ compatible for Herotab C8)
CFW 0731 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
http://www.mediafire.com/?lf12iq56i5m5zfb (English version)
Based on the firmware ??
- updated to official Google Market v3.0.27
- updated Gmail to V2.3.5
Android 3.0 bootup animationCFW 0728 Rootable Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 M7+ compatible for Herotab C8)
OFW 0728 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 M7+ compatible for Herotab C8)
CFW Pryanik 0.5 Gingerbread (Compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on the firmware 0727. without overheating
*Script auto-formats internal SD (4/8/16GB version)by fonix232
*Root, gingerbreak installed
*UI rendering on the GPU
*Static Wi-fi mac
*Root access over adb
*Extsd work as sdcard (option)
*DPI changed to 157 (option)
*Chinese keyboard,apkinstall,email deleted
*Added some usefull apps (titanium backup,app2sd etc)
*Added vpn settings
*Fingerprint of device changedEdit patches: ADW_Launcher, back_to_home, DPI 157, Eng by Default, SD Tweak
CFW 0727 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0607 with following fix
- Solving heat problem
- rooted version
- LCD Density to 162
- boot animation
- Default 8GB utscript, but can replace with 4GB and 16GB Utscript
- A lot of bugs: Battery stuck in 20%
- Fix the heat problem
- ugly boot animation
- There are some bugs in this firmware.
CFW 0725 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0705 with following fixed
- Fix Heating problem
- Performance optimize
- LCD Density edit to 162
- Rooted version
- add 4GB, 8GB and 16GB File utscript
- unable to create custom boot logo
CFW 0714 Rootable Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 M7+ compatible for Herotab C8)
OFW 0714 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 M7+ compatible for Herotab C8)
- RJ45 USB card is not supported, please wait for the next version
CFW 0712 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
Based on 0607 with following fixed
- More stable version
- rooted version
- add third party software
- add 8GB and 16GB File utscript
OFW 0705 Gingerbread 2.3 (Mid713 compatible for Herotab C8)
CFW 0622 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
CFW 0607 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
re-upload:http://www.mediafire.com/?kk55vi71s6kx372 (all the files inside the zip copy into the sd-card)
G-sensor work, root explorer not works
CFW 0531 Gingerbread 2.3 (Dropad compactible for Herotab C8)
Not tested, please give me some feedback about this.
CFW:Asure v0.4 (CyanogenMod 7.1.0 by Asure – Gingerbread 2.3.4 for Dropad/Herotab)
Better then Fw 0519
Android version: 2.3.4
Kernel version:
Problem with HDMI, G-sensor
OFW 0519 Gingerbread 2.3 ((Haipad M7 M7+ compatible for Herotab C8)
- Fix some network issue
First official Gingerbread Firmware
CFW 0506 Gingerbread 2.3 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
- Fix RTC clock
- Market available
- Google Apps
- Rooting: install Gingerbreak v1.20.apk: http://www.mediafire.com/?5d2i3aa30aon5xn
Kernel version:
Android version: 2.3.1
CFW 0505 Gingerbread (from cm_dropad_full-01-kang)
I’ve not test it. because OTG-usb still not working.
don’t know if this is rooted or not. (normally it should be rooted because I’ve found superuser.apk)
CFW 0503 Gingerbread (Android 2.3) 03/05/2011
Kernel version:
Android version: 2.3.1
CFW 0419 Gingerbread (Android 2.3)
Not recommended to install, it not stable enough.
- on to go usb not work (need to root the device)
- can’t install market right now.
- date time not correct
CFW 0402 rootable(Haipad M7+ compatible for Herotab C8)
Kernel version:
MID serials #1518 Wed Apr 6 16:09:52 CST 2011 nand
Build number
MID Serilas 2.2 FRF91 20110402.171535
OFW 0402 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
CFW 326 rootable (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
OFW 326 (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
CFW 322 Rootable (Haipad M7 compatible for Herotab C8)
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