Rilasciato DraftSight 2016 SP2
DraftSight 2016 SP2 su Windows 10 |
- Implements CONVERTPOLYLINE command.
- Fixes the incorrect display and overlapping values when editing entries for the Bills of Materials.
- Improves the display of tab stops in the Note Formatting Ruler.
- Corrects the misplacement of restore, maximize, close buttons with ribbon minimized and restarting the application.
- Improves the random disappearance issue of mouse cursor in the graphics area on the sheet view tab.
- Improves the visibility issue of some Block Attributes fields not showing up in the Properties palette.
- Improves the Print Style name in the STB to be displayed correctly in the “underscore” and “space”.
- Corrects the installation dialog truncated text issue in the German version of DraftSight.
- Updates ribbon by removing some icons with unrecognized commands.
- Improves stability when creating single viewport in the drawing by disallowing zero viewport height.
- Supports ModifyProperties command option name with underscore (_).
- Gesture command: Fixes the translation issue at the radial button showing the wrong number of mouse gestures in the German version of DraftSight.
- Gesture command: Fixes the unrecognized command when typing “Gesten” in the German version of DraftSight.
- Refines some Help Documentation translations in the German version of DraftSight.
- Corrects some Help Documentation grammatical errors in the German version of DraftSight.
- Fixes the Function Clean () throwing exception when creating more than five sheets with function CreateSheetByTemplate().
- Replaces the German word “Leertaste” with “Bereich” within the Layer States Manager dialog box in the German version of DraftSight.
- Fixes the “GleichartigeAuswählen” command (SelectMatching) in the German version of DraftSight.
- Improves the Help Documentation translations of Annotative Scaling feature in the German version of DraftSight.
- Fixes the “ElementeIsolierungAufheben” command (IsolateEntities) in the German version of DraftSight.
- Fixes the “ElementeVerbergen” command (HideEntities) in the German version of DraftSight.
- Improves stability when editing referenced image.
- Corrects the double letter keyboard shortcuts not working properly issue.
- Fixes the ‘Error occurred during the saving’ issue when saving some drawing files to older versions format (ex. R2000-2009).
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