Dassault Systèmes rilascia Draftsight 2016 SP0
- DrawingTabs. Shows drawing tabs at the top of the drawing window area.
- HideDrawingTabs. Hides drawing tabs at the top of the drawing window area.
- LayerState. Saves, restores, and manages configurations of layer properties and states.
- HideEntities. Hides selected entities.
- IsolateEntities. Isolates selected entities by hiding all other entities.
- UnisolateEntities. Shows entities that were hidden with the IsolateEntities or HideEntities commands.
- SelectMatching. Selects drawing entities of the same type and with shared properties for subsequent commands.
- New commands for Annotation Scaling:
- AnnEntityScale. Adds and removes annotation scales for specified annotative entities (dialog box variant).
- AnnEntityScale. Adds and removes annotation scales for specified annotative entities (command window variant).
- AnnEntityScaleAdd. Updates annotative entities to support the drawing’s active annotation scale.
- AnnEntityScaleRemove. Updates annotative entities to remove the drawing’s active annotation scale from the entities’ annotation scales.
- AnnReset. Resets all scale representations of specified annotative entities to their original positions.
- AnnUpdate. Updates existing annotative entities to match updated TextStyle or DimensionStyle settings.
- Ribbon Based User Interface provides the following UI elements:
- o Application Button / Application Menu
- o Quick Access Toolbar
- o Ribbon Tabs
- Quick Access Toolbar and Ribbon Customization. Creates and modifies quick access toolbars, ribbon tabs and panels.
- Properties palette. Supports collapsing and expanding of property groups.
- Multiline BlockAttributes are supported by the MakeBlockAttribute, EditBlockAttribute, and EditAnnotation commands. The
- Multiline BlockAttribute Formatting pop-up toolbar helps you edit and format multiline BlockAttributes.
- DraftSight 2016 now supports Windows 10, 64bit.
- DraftSight 2016 now supports Mac v10.11 El Capitan.
- DraftSight 2016 now supports Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
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