Kolab integrerà Collabora CloudSuite nel suo groupware

By Marco Giannini


Kolab Systems, la società creatrice del famoso software collaborativo open source Kolab, ha annunciato la partenrship con Collabora Productivity, la società che sta dietro a LibreOffice Online.

Grazie a questa collaborazione Collabora CloudSuite sarà integrata in Kolab.

L’integrazione di Cloud Suite in Kolab consentirà agli utenti di lavorare contemporaneamente sui documenti utilizzando la suite da ufficio online di Collabora. Gli utenti saranno in grado di comporre documenti di testo, compilare fogli di calcolo e presentazioni di progetti insieme, anche se in luoghi diversi l’uno dall’altro. I documenti possono poi essere salvati nei formati più diffusi, tra cui formati compatibili di Microsoft e il formato ODF. L’offerta è disponibile anche con Collabora Office per l’utilizzo offline sui desktop.

Di seguito il comunicato stampa ufficiale

Press release: Kolab Systems and Collabora Productivity will produce the first 100% open source, enterprise-grade cloud Office Suite.
Zürich, Switzerland – 30 January 2016.
Kolab Systems, creators of Kolab, the leading open source groupware and collaboration framework, today announced a partnership with Collabora Productivity, the architects behind LibreOffice Online, the cloud-based office productivity suite.
Collabora’s CloudSuite web-based document solution will be available as an integrated component in Kolab. The integration of Cloud Suite into Kolab will allow users to work on documents simultaneously using a full-featured online office suite from within the Kolab collaboration suite. Users will be able to compose text documents, fill in spreadsheets, and design presentations together, even when in different locations from each other. Documents can later be saved in the most common formats, including Microsoft compatible formats and the Open Document ISO-approved format. The CloudSuite offering also comes with Collabora Office, a professional LibreOffice distribution, for offline use on the desktop.
CloudSuite complements Kolab’s integrated editor which is also gaining collaborative editing capabilities. Users will be able to cooperate in real-time composing emails, setting agendas for meetings, or adding contacts to distribution lists before sharing their work with colleagues and clients. The integration of these two products means the companies will be able to leverage synchronized cooperative features across the board of all their office productivity tools.

“For too long, closed and insecure solutions have been the industry standard for office and groupware productivity.” said Kolab System’s CEO, Georg Greve. “With this partnership Collabora and Kolab are taking the lead, not only with bleeding edge technological innovation and an office stack with full, user-friendly and comprehensive collaborative features, but also with a product that respects users’ freedoms, protects their privacy, and guarantees their work will not be locked away in proprietary formats.”

“Collabora Productivity is delighted to provide a key building block in Kolab’s comprehensive, new offering” said Michael Meeks, General Manager at Collabora Productivity. “Kolab Systems have been a leading light in open source for many years and we look forward to supporting their ambitious growth plans in the enterprise sector and beyond”.

The first version of Kolab with integrated CloudSuite functionality is scheduled to appear in the second quarter of 2016.
If you are interested in receiving pre-release information and early access to Kolab with integrated CloudSuite, please contactsales@kolabsystems.com or sales@collaboraoffice.com.

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