Collabora e ownCloud annunciano CODE e portano LibreOffice online su ownCloud

By Marco Giannini

code logo
Collabora e ownCloud hanno annunciato la nascita di una partnership e il rilascio di CODE (Collabora Online Development Edition), una distribuzione di LibreOffice Online e ownCloud Server.
Lo scopo di CODE è quello di fornire agli sviluppatori un modo semplice per ottenere l’accesso anticipato alle più recenti funzionalità e aggiornamenti di LibreOffice Online al fine di consentir loro loro di poter sviluppare e contribuire in maniera più semplice.

L’accordo prevede anche l’arrivo, nel 2016, di una soluzione commerciale, basata sull’integrazione fra Collabora CloudSuite (che consente di avere la suite da ufficio online, su mobile e su desktop) con ownCloud Server.
code screenshot 7
CODE: Editing di file di testo

CODE consente la modifica la modifica di documenti da web browser ed offre un supporto ai principali formati di file di testo (docx, doc, odt, pdf, …), fogli di calcolo (xlsx, xls, ods, …) e presentazioni (pptx, ppt, odp, …). Tutti i file vengono elaborati in cloud e resi localmente.

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CODE: editing di fogli di calcolo

Questa versione iniziale di CODE consente il solo editing ma è in programma l’aggiunta dell’editing collaborativo.
Di seguito potete vedere un piccolo video che illustra il funzionamento di CODE

Gli sviluppatori interessanti a contribuire a CODE possono scaricare tutto l’occorrente (c’è anche una virtual machine già bella e pronta) ai seguenti link:

Di seguito il comunicato stampa in lingua inglese:

Collabora and ownCloud announce Partnership and release CODE for LibreOffice Online developers.
Cambridge, United Kingdom – December 15, 2015. Collabora, the architects of LibreOffice Online, are proud to announce the release of CODE (Collabora Online Development Edition), a distribution of LibreOffice Online and ownCloud Server. The purpose of CODE is to give interested developers from any field an easy way to get early access to the very latest untested feature additions and updates to LibreOffice Online, in order to enable them to develop, test, and contribute.
This release also marks the start of a partnership between Collabora and ownCloud, the company behind the world’s most popular open source enterprise file sync and share (EFSS) software. The partnership will deliver a combined commercial solution during 2016, based on an integration between Collabora CloudSuite – a trio of Online, Mobile and Desktop office productivity combined with ownCloud Server.
• Collabora announces the release of CODE (Collabora Online Development Edition).
• CODE is an unsupported R&D edition of the integration based on LibreOffice Online and ownCloud Server.
• Collabora and ownCloud announce Partnership and will deliver a combined commercial solution in 2016, based on an integration between Collabora CloudSuite and ownCloud Server.
“We’re delighted to partner with ownCloud to strengthen our go-to-market posture as we look forward to fulfilling the considerable market demand for an Open Source cloud document suite.” said Michael Meeks, General Manager of Collabora Productivity “This initial release of CODE is our first step in this exciting journey. By design, Collabora Online does not include essential cloud functionality such as identity management or storage. CODE gives a show-case of how filling this gap with a complementary integration with ownCloud gives a taste of the final deployment experience.”
“Collabora is a great Open Source Contributor and a great partner for ownCloud to deliver a full LibreOffice Online experience integrated with ownCloud to the ownCloud Community. Developers and Users will be able to easily view and edit documents while storing them in ownCloud. ” said Frank Karlitschek, ownCloud Founder and Project Leader at ownCloud “This integration proves the power of integration between leading Projects and allows full support for all major document, spreadsheet and presentation file formats.”
CODE (Collabora Online Development Edition) allows prototype editing of richly formatted documents from a web browser. With good support for key industry file formats , including text documents (docx, doc, odt, pdf…), spreadsheets (xlsx, xls, ods,…) and presentations (pptx, ppt, odp,…). All files are processed in the cloud and rendered locally. This initial version allows basic editing. Collaborative and rich editing are on the roadmap. Interested developers can download CODE as an easy to deploy virtual machine base image, bundled with ownCloud Server, and get started contributing to both projects right away.
CODE Links:
• Website and download:• CODE video:• ownCloud Blog:• Integration repository

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